At-Home COVID Testing is Coming to Irvine (Eventually)

The Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) announced a new at-home COVID testing program this week. The first program of its kind in the nation, the county is starting with 11,000 tests but plans to ramp up to 500,000 tests by the end of 2020. The Vine connected with Dr. Margaret Bredehoft, Deputy Agency Director of Public Health Services for the OCHCA, to discuss how the program will work and how Irvine residents can get tested.

The Vine: When should Irvine residents expect access to at-home testing?

Dr. Bredehoft: We are taking a strategic and agile approach to roll out this program to ensure that it is smooth and as frictionless as possible. The goal is to be able to have 500,000 tests available to Orange County residents by the end of 2020, starting with those residing in cities of Santa Ana and Anaheim where there is a high COVID transmission rate. Our hope is to be able to scale this program to all of Orange County residents beginning 2021 with more convenient options for residents to participate in.

The Vine: How will OCHCA choose which clinics disseminate tests?

Dr. Bredehoft: For now, we have engaged 5 community clinics that serve Santa Ana and Anaheim residents. Information will on where and how to request a test kits will be posted on our website by Monday, November 23, 2020. Please check out our website:

The Vine: Will residents pay a copay at clinics for picking up testing kits?

Dr. Bredehoft: Currently, the model is having the Health Care Agency as the payer of last resort so that it will be free for those without insurance. If individuals have insurance, that information is collected at time of registration. There are no co-pay or financial transactions at the time of pick-up or drop off.

The Vine: Does the OCHCA hope to eventually provide testing for all 3 million residents in OC?

Dr. Bredehoft: The take home test kits is just an addition to our robust testing network that already supports our 3.2 million residents. There is still plenty of capacity at our Supersites. We encourage anyone who lives or work in Orange County get tested if you have any concerns for COVID. For more information, check out our website:

The Vine: Has the OCHCA considered providing at home tests from Lucira Health, which the FDA just gave an emergency green light to, and which provides immediate test results?

Dr. Bredehoft: We are constantly looking for ways to make reliable testing accessible to our communities. 

The Vine: What will the OCHCA do to educate test recipients on testing results, and especially, on a false sense of security if testing is negative?

Dr. Bredehoft: Having a negative test result does not guarantee that you will not be susceptible in the following days. Stay vigilant: wear a mask, keep safe physical distance, use good hygiene, and minimize mixing and gatherings.

For more information on testing in Irvine, please see the Irvine COVID-19 Drive Up Testing FAQ


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